Mission and Vision

Our Mission

The mission of Polish Turkish Business People is to work on the development of friendly relations between Turkey and Poland, to develop cooperation between these two countries in commercial, industrial, economic, financial, banking, tourism, social and cultural fields, and to help the development of relations in all matters in the economic field in general. to encourage work in these areas.

It has gathered around 120 member companies operating in various sectors. The existence of this network provides the Turkish-Polish Trade Center with a unique market assessment opportunity, and provides good relations with large groups as well as any medium or small-sized company.

Aiming to contribute to the formation of a social order that embraces the understanding of competitive market economy, sustainable development and participatory democracy with its works, Potiad has determined the following mission to achieve these goals.

To give opinions to public institutions and organizations when necessary;
To enable companies to deepen their existing markets and reach new markets;
Organizing national and international events;
To produce and implement strategies and policies regarding foreign economic relations;
To produce the information that the business world needs in foreign economic relations;
To enable the private sector to expand both national, regional and global interaction networks;
To organize training programs to increase the corporate capacity of companies in line with their goals of becoming a global player;
To carry out activities that support public diplomacy and provide benefits in the development of bilateral and multilateral social relations;
Representing the Turkish business world in international organizations in Poland and lobbying on behalf of the country in international platforms.

Our Vision

Collaboration is available in a broader perspective at POTIAD. As the Polish – Turkish Business People Association, we respect human rights and freedoms. POTIAD, which is a symbol for the association and institutionalization of Turkish companies in Poland as a non-political network organization, contributes to the improvement of the image of Turkish companies in Poland.

Turkey's window to Poland;

Polish representative of our country's values, vision and potential; The founder of the ties with which our country comes into contact with global actors;

POTIAD's vision:

With the cooperation of the public, civil society and private sector, it can direct the economic and political developments at the regional and global level.
An important share in the Polish trade
One of the main investment and financial centers of Poland.
It is a Turkey that applies contemporary standards in every field.

Basic Values

• Participation
• Quality, effective and fast service with minimum bureaucracy
• Social responsibility
• Leadership and guidance
• Continuous improvement
• Environmental awareness
• Entrepreneur, citizen, employee focus
• System and result oriented
• Transparency
• Accountability

Follow Us

A ul. Nowoberestecka B-16 02-204 / Warsaw/ Poland
E potiad@potiad.orgM +48 883 34 87 57

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